Couples Cruise in Polynesia: Explore the Islands Aboard the Aranui 5



Discover why a couples' cruise in French Polynesia aboard the Aranui 5 is like no other trip. Enjoy unique experiences, explore remote islands and create unforgettable memories for two. 

Couple cruises have their charms, but imagine embarking on a romantic and authentic cruise aboard the Aranui 5. This mixed cargo ship offers a unique experience combining adventure and comfort for couples in search of unforgettable adventure. Discover the Marquesas Islands, far from the beaten track and mass tourism. Fancy a trip of a lifetime for two, eye to eye, and hand in hand, its time to discover the magical islands of Polynesia.



bora bora cruise


Welcome aboard the Aranui 5, a ship unlike any other. It's a supply boat designed to offer all the comforts of a cruise ship. She'll take you and your loved one on an authentic Polynesian discovery. 

Forget conventional cruises, here you'll experience an intimate odyssey through the various Marquesas Islands. Why choose the Aranui 5 for your cruise as a couple? Discover 6 reasons that make this trip a unique experience.


1. A unique ship: much more than just a cruise


The Aranui 5 stands out for its dual function as a supply freighter and cruise ship. As well as enjoying the comforts of a cruise, you'll also be taking part in a vital mission to the Marquesas Islands, as Aranui 5 transports essential goods for the island's inhabitants. A voyage aboard Aranui takes passengers to the heart of Polynesian culture, where they meet the inhabitants of these remote islands.


2. Off the beaten track: where others won't go

The Aranui 5 takes you where nature meets Marquesan culture, in the heart of an isolated archipelago rich in history. Explore its mysterious islands, which sit at the cradle of Polynesian culture and artistic heritage.

Sailing aboard this mixed cargo ship means exploring remote islands recently declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Far from the tourist crowds, these ports of call offer romantic beaches, crystal-clear lagoons and authentic villages. Each island is a discovery, offering an intimate, unspoilt Polynesian experience.

The Aranui 5 offers the excitement and exclusivity of exploring rare destinations, far from traditional tourist circuits.


3. Unique experiences for two: create extraordinary memories

bora bora cruise

Every port of call is an opportunity for unforgettable experiences. While the crew is unloading cargo, you'll meet the locals to gain a better understanding of island life, and interact directly with them and their daily lives. It's a unique opportunity to discover their way of life, traditions and hospitality, creating precious memories. Rather than limiting yourself to standard tourist activities on these islands, opt for authentic experiences! The adventures experienced on board the Aranui 5 and during stopovers will remain forever engraved in your memories.


4. Deep cultural immersion: feed your curiosity together

On board the Aranui 5, fascinating lectures are organized on Polynesian history and culture. They provide a deeper understanding of the rich heritage of the islands you visit, adding an educational dimension to your voyage.

Immerse yourself in local culture by taking part in traditional craft workshops. Whether it's woodcarving, jewelry-making or textile-making, these activities allow you to discover the ancestral skills of the Polynesians and create your own souvenirs...

Rather than simply flying over the local culture, the Aranui 5 offers deep cultural immersion, allowing you to truly understand and appreciate the customs and lifestyles of the islands you visit.


5. Breathtaking scenery: your romantic movie set

The Aranui 5 takes you through spectacular bays, often inaccessible to larger cruise ships. These breathtaking seascapes, with their turquoise waters and verdant mountains, offer the ideal setting for memorable romantic moments. Enjoy deserted beaches where you can relax in complete privacy, and explore mysterious archaeological sites that bear witness to the islands' rich and fascinating history. Each port of call offers the opportunity to discover natural and cultural treasures far off the beaten track. During the cruise, you'll experience intimate and exclusive moments, on idyllic beaches or on hiking trails surrounded by breathtaking scenery. What better way to create unforgettable memories with your loved one.


6. A responsible adventure: travel with a positive impact

When you choose to explore remote landscapes with the Aranui 5, you're directly supporting the economy of isolated islands. Every stopover is an opportunity to contribute to the well-being of local communities by purchasing their handicrafts and participating in their economic activities. The Aranui 5 is a model of sustainable and respectful tourism. It minimizes its environmental impact while maximizing the benefits for local populations. It's a way of travelling that preserves fragile ecosystems while bringing tangible benefits to islanders. So, are we simply tourists, or conscious, responsible travellers? By choosing the Aranui 5, you leave a positive footprint on the destinations you visit, supporting local economies and respecting the environment, while enjoying an enriching travel experience.


romantic cruise  bora bora

The Aranui 5 is the ideal for couples seeking authentic adventure and cultural discovery. This unique vessel promises an unforgettable vacation, far removed from traditional tourist itineraries. Enjoy a romantic cruise through the most beautiful islands of French Polynesia and create unforgettable memories with your partner.


To crown this adventure, imagine renewing your wedding vows in a traditional Polynesian ceremony aboard this legendary ship. Wrapped in a “tifaifai”, exchanging “pae'ore” leaf rings and adorned with tiara flower necklaces, you'll celebrate your love in a setting that's both intimate and spectacular. Music, dance and song add a magical touch to this event, creating memories that will last a lifetime.


Dare to be adventurous and come aboard the Aranui 5 for an extraordinary couples' cruise. Book now and get ready to enjoy unique experiences, explore little-known islands and create unforgettable memories for two. Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to share extraordinary and romantic moments together.


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