Gaydio: "Some of the remotest islands on earth – visiting the Marquesas aboard the Aranui5"



Gaydio published an article about the Aranui 5 and the Marquesas islands

In April 2023, Gaydio published an article about the Aranui 5, written by Chantal Cooke. She praises the Aranui as "the perfect way to enjoy what the islands have to offer while also managing to kick back and relax". Read the full article here.

navire cargo mixte aranui iles marquises


"It is possible to fly to most of the islands, but this is expensive and quite restrictive, so the best way is via ship. I joined the Aranui 5 on a 12-day round trip from Tahiti to the Marquesan archipelago and found this to be the perfect way to enjoy what the islands have to offer while also managing to kick back and relax.

What’s also interesting about the Aranui 5 is that it is part-freight, and part-passenger ship, so at each stop huge containers are unloaded bringing the islanders essential supplies – a supply line you are helping to keep open by being a paying passenger."


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